Friday, May 7, 2010

Sorry that I haven't been on in a while, I've been really busy. Prom was fun, and last week i went to fiddler on thew roof at the national theater in Washington d.c. Today though, i wanna talk about something that has crushed me. This past Sunday i broke up with my girlfriend, simply because i had lost interest in her and because i had fallen in love with my best friend. Everything, as you can imagine, isn't going well. I'm having to deal with a flirty ex...and my best friend. And as if things couldn't get any worse. Guess what i did?'ve got it, last night i told my best friend that i love her. Yeah i know what you're thinking "awwwww. that's so cute" but the thing is, i didn't mean it has a friendship love, i meant it as a boyfriend-girlfriend type love. i mean, I'll be honest, I'm CRAZY about this girl. *sigh* so..what have i done? well for starters I've risked our friendship, I've risked the possibility of us going out, and God only knows what else. I've screwed up. i mean she wont even talk to me. how does that make feel?? i freakin cried last night, im crying right now as i type. look i just want her to know how sorry i am. *sigh* im sorry babe. ="(